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List of 9 Useful WordPress Like Plugins

7 min read

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Nowadays, social networking sites are increasingly popular among Internet users, especially young people. Therefore, in order to catch up with this trend and maintain traffic effectively, you need to add a Like Plugin to your WordPress sites. However, which WordPress Like Plugin is suitable for your site? In this article, we would like to recommend for you the top 9 should-try WordPress Like Plugin in 2021. Let’s have a look!

Why should your site install WordPress Like Plugin? #

It stands for the reason that WordPress Like Plugin will help you increase the number of engagers and interactors significantly. In detail, it is so flexible and convenient for your readers to access, evaluate, and like your site on different platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and so on. Furthermore, you can insert WordPress Like Plugin into your WordPress sites without coding required.

Top Effective WordPress Like Plugin #

WP ULike #

WP ULike

WP ULike is the first outstanding WordPress Like Plugin that we highly recommend for you. It is so simple for you to add Like and Dislike Button to any post, comment, BuddyPress activity, bbPress topics, WooCommerce products, etc. In the light of that, you can receive feedback from customers quickly. In addition, WP ULike comes with clean coding, resource management, and numerous outstanding features, allowing you to customize each part of your buttons quickly. Furthermore, it also provides more than twenty beautiful templates and is extremely simple for you to install. Besides, with WP ULike comprehensive Statistics tools, it is possible for you to keep insight into what your users love and dislike. Also, you can extract reports of likes and dislikes in Tables, Charts, Pie Charts, or whichever you prefer with some easy steps, no confusing options, and coding needed. Other highlight features of this Plugin include Like, Dislike and Subtotal Votings support, flexible meta box options with more customization settings for each post, and much more.

WP Like Button #

WP Like Button

The second noteworthy WordPress Like Plugin is WP Like Button. This plugin permits you to insert the Facebook Like button into your WordPress blog and display the share button along with the like button. Furthermore, you also obtain chances to create a Like button for your site, fanpage, or even a single post and page as well as perform the Like button on the homepage, all pages, or specific pages with shortcode. Additionally, WP Like Button has for types of button layouts and like button preview that let you observe before launching.  What’s more? This WordPress Plugin also integrates with all types of themes, which is expected to bring the best experience for users.

All-in-one Like Widget #

All-in-one Like Widget

Next, we should pay attention to All-in-one Like Widget. By using this plugin, you are able to present a Facebook Like box in a simple and rapid way. You freely opt for the way you want to display it among four options: a simple box with a Facebook Like button and profile picture, a like button with timeline stream, a like button with pictures of your friends who also like the page, a like button with timeline, events, messages, and pictures of your friends. Plus, there are two simple steps to install All-in-one Like Widget, including drag the widget to where you want to display and then configure it in the widget admin screen. Moreover, you can change features, language, and width in your own way.

Like Button Rating ♥ LikeBtn #

Like Button Rating ♥ LikeBtn

The Like Button Rating plugin is an amazing WordPress Like Plugin that permits you to add a fully customizable Like and Dislike button to any posts, pages, comments, WooCommerce products, BuddyPress activities and members, and so on. This plugin comes with more than 80 parameters, 41 themes, 40 languages. Besides, it also works on websites fully cached with WP Super Cache, WP Total Cache, Cloudflare, etc. Also, you can track voters by IP+Device+Cookie or by users and manage the number of users who liked an item thanks to the like box displaying.  And a wide range of other features that are waiting for you to explore!

Comments Like Dislike #

Comments Like Dislike

Another free WordPress Like Plugin that needs to be noticed is Comments Like Dislike. By utilizing this plugin, you can insert Like and Dislike Icons into WordPress without any requirement. You enable to choose thumbs up or Thumbs Down, Smiley or Frown, Right or Wrong icons, or your own custom-like dislike icons to express. In this way, you can boost users interaction drastically. Besides, you have total power to decide and customize any options like status, like and dislike position, restriction, order, and much more to appeal to visitors.

Like dislike plus counter #

Like dislike plus counter

Like dislike plus counter is an impressive and modern plugin that comes with more than 600 Font Awesome icons and more than 45 custom themes(buttons). With the functionality of Share on Social Websites, it is automatic to add the like and dislike button after the post and before the comments section. Besides, it also supports the like and dislike button on the Homepage and product pages(single product page). Furthermore, this plugin offers a unique style, allowing you to customize all like and dislike text and the background of the buttons. With the statistic feature, this plugin provides the admin dashboard, Pie Chart for showing likes and dislikes, total Likes and dislikes, Liked/disliked posts list with the number of likes/dislikes, which helps you to manage statistics efficiently.

Social Sharing Plugin #

Social Sharing Plugin - WordPress Like Plugin

Social Sharing Plugin permits people to deliver your site published content to Facebook, Twitter, Google, Linkedin, Whatsapp, Tumblr, Pinterest, Reddit, Parler, Gab, and over 100 more social sharing and bookmarking services. This plugin is the most wonderful social sharing vector icons around the world and works smoothly on online websites. This plugin is compatible with Gutenberg editor, myCRED (append myCRED referral ID at the end of the URL being shared), etc. Also, you obtain options to specify sharing icon shapes( Square, Round, and Rectangular), specify sharing icon background color and logo color, and much more. Another plus point of this plugin is that it is totally free, has lightweight code, no need to register anywhere, etc.

Easy Social Like Box #

Easy Social Like BoxThe following WordPress Like Plugin that we highly introduced for you is Easy Social Like Box. This tool is a useful social plugin that helps Facebook Page owners obtain likes from their own website. By using Facebook Like Box WordPress Plugin, you can manage how many people already like your Page, read recent posts from the Page, like the Page with one click without needing to visit the Page. On top of that, it is so effortless for you to aad like button for the posts, and insert a shortcode to display the Facebook like box/posts like on any page or post. Moreover, this plugin also integrates with translation-ready, which helps you gain more users.

Social Like Box and Page by WpDevArt #

Social Like Box and Page by WpDevArt

Lastly, it is necessary for you to install Social Like Box and Page. It is because this plugin will show your visitors and your Fb fan page clearly. One pro of this WordPress plugin is that it is extremely user-friendly and easy to install. In addition, you also use this plugin on your pages/posts, create fanpage and popup for your website. By equipping it, you can freely customize width, height, change language, show and hide friends’ faces and cover photo, select header size, without any specific request.

Summary #

To sum up, we hope that this article will be beneficial for you to choose the best WordPress Like Plugin for your site. And if you have any questions, please give feedback to us in the box below.

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