Blue Lucas
A blue, 3-segment and gadget prepared subject by Additionally accessible in silver and white. Subject Option…
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A responsive WordPress theme is designed to automatically adjust itself to the user’s screen size. This means that your WordPress theme will look equally great on mobile phones, tablets, and desktop devices by responsiveness. If your website doesn’t fit their screen or looks ugly on their device, then they will immediately leave and may never find your website again. This is why you must always use a responsive WordPress theme for all your websites.
A blue, 3-segment and gadget prepared subject by Additionally accessible in silver and white. Subject Option…
Square is a minimalist theme for a multipurpose use. The theme best fits small businesses and comes…
2 section, with multiplied RHSidebars and gadgets. Subject Option upholds Fixed Width.
A basic and moderate individual distributing subject for WordPress. Subject Option underpins Dark, Fixed Width, Right Sidebar,…
A WordPress topic highlighting an exhaustive subject settings page, 10 gadget prepared sidebars, an adaptable drop-down route…
The WordPress topic was planned by Maruf Rahman, from over at Brightcherry. Subject Option upholds Black, Fixed…
WP Big City subject planned by AOE. A basic yet delightful moderate plan in blue, dim and…
Two-sections, fixed-width, website design enhancement streamlined subject for WordPress. Viable with WordPress 3.4 highlights, substantial XHTML and…
A moderate WordPress subject using no pictures in the layout. Subject Option upholds One Column, White.
“Pool” is a three-segment blue-green subject including Home Page late articles orchestrated in blocks. Coded to acknowledge…
Subject by Subject Option underpins Blue, Orange.
Basic, web 2.0, gadget prepared, 3 segment subject. Delivered under GPL. Subject Option underpins Blue, Green.
Red and Blue subject by Code and Stuff. Subject Option upholds Blue, Fixed Width, Red, Three Columns,…
Only an unmistakable SEO Theme – W3C Valid and simple to alter. For a superior Look utilize…
A spotless, green topic with a basic header. Subject Option upholds Brown, Fixed Width, Green, Two Columns.
4 Column Split, gadget prepared topic in relieving Cream and Green tones. 2 sidebars on the left…
Jakobian is a cutting edge, excellent responsive subject for WordPress and is equipped generally towards bloggers who…
2 segments, with a gadget empowered left-hand sidebar. Topic Option underpins Fixed Width, Two Columns, White.
The Water topic is made for simple and brisk customization. Topic Option upholds Blue, Green, One Column,…
Progressed, liquid width 2 or 3 section subject with widgetized sidebar, footer, and header territories. Subject alternative…
Straightforward, present day, lightweight. Topic Option upholds Fixed Width, Orange, Right Sidebar, Two Columns, White.
“BrushedMetal” is a three-section red/dim graphical topic. Topic Option underpins Gray, Red.
a basic, perfect and (attempting to be) rich topic. Subject Option underpins Two Columns.
Free WP Theme by Igor Penjivrag. Topic Option underpins Fixed Width.
A great day close to Baltimore in the southwest of Ireland. On the off chance that you…
Eleagant red topic with gadget prepared sidebar and enormous footer. GPL Licensed. Topic Option underpins Fixed Width,…
The main rendition of the overdose40 topic, in light of WordPress Classic. Topic Option upholds Fixed Width,…
pl00 is an advanced, text-based subject made for WordPress. Topic Option upholds Blue, Fixed Width, Light, Three…
Fixed-width 3-col format CMS-style. Topic Option underpins Blue, Fixed Width, Gray, White.