Best Free Minimalist WordPress Themes
Minimalist design is around since forever but it has become trendy due to the success of Material Design and Flat Design that have inspired designers. Minimalistic design is here to stay and more and more websites follow these trends and it is the right time to create a minimalistic website for your business, portfolio, blog, magazine or other.
A straightforward and lightweight topic with sIFR empowered.
A moderate WordPress subject using no pictures in the layout. Subject Option upholds One Column, White.
The main rendition of the overdose40 topic, in light of WordPress Classic. Topic Option upholds Fixed Width,…
Lunatic Fringe
Segment, gadget prepared topic. Viable up to WP 2.7. Topic Option upholds Brown, Fixed Width, White, Yellow.
DarkZen is a spotless, mininalist topic by Daily Blog Tips. Topic Option upholds Black, Dark, Fixed Width.
Mini Blog
A moderate layout for wordpress. Two sections on this thin miniblog, colors white, dark and dim. This…
3 Column Rework of “Almost-Spring” by Becca Wei. With the intention of no vertical scrolling needed on…
This theme includes 2 columns and purple and pink.
2 column, with RHS widget sidebar, GPL v3 licence, fixed width.
A wide, clean theme in whites and pale greys, by Dave Garlitz.With a feature lead article excerpt…
March Star
This topic is simple.It uses a set of CAPTCHA contact page forms and simple page counter. This…
2 column, fixed width, with RHS widget sidebar.
The topic is a simple theme looks like a maze, widget ready and there is a setting…
Spanish Translation US
WordPress theme from Spanish Translation US.It consists of 2 columns and Custom Header, Fixed Width.
Blue Fade
Blue Fade was designed for a clean and easy to read layout while maintaining a sharp looking…
Media Master
Format Created By Website Design Company of Mass Media Group”. Topic Option upholds Black, Fixed Width, Right…
The first subject.
A limited and expert planned SEO-prepared WordPress topic by dependent on the renowned Kubrick. Viable with…
A white foundation topic, with no cases and a full-width header. It comes in five distinct flavors:…
Nettigo Brown
2 section wordpress subject with pleasant earthy colored tones. Subject Option upholds Brown.
SH Trocadero
Two sections white fixed format subject. Topic Option underpins Fixed Width, Gray, White.
A topic dependent on famous style. The appearance depends on style seen on NBC promotions, Joomla destinations…
This theme is white and clean. The font and color will be defaulted in your browser.
Revolution Code Blue
Code Blue is a 3-section Widget-prepared subject made for WordPress. Topic Option upholds Blue, Fixed Width, Three…
TechBlue Adsense-Ready Theme
Techblue is an Adsense-prepared made particularly for tech and related websites. Nonetheless, it very well may be…
A snappy minamilist them see: eagerness page for more information. Subject Option upholds Dark, Fixed Width, Light,…
Three column wordpress theme created based on the Three Columns Kubrick Theme.
Lavinya Black
This theme is perfect, it also has special features like: Fixed Width, Red, Right Sidebar, Two Columns