Make a genuinely remarkable plan with Magazine Basic, a lightweight and completely responsive HTML5 topic dependent on the Gridiculous standard. Utilize the Customizer to include your own experience, page design, site width and the sky is the limit from there. Recognize each post with one of the eight upheld post designs, for example, Video, Image, Aside, Status, Audio, Quote, Link and Gallery. Introduce JetPack to show every one of your displays through a tiled view and jQuery merry go round. Viable with bbPress and BuddyPress. Assembled utilizing Bootstrap. Magazine Basic uses Google Fonts for improved typeface meaningfulness and works consummately in work area programs, tablets and handheld gadgets. Topic Option underpins BuddyPress, Custom Background, Custom Colors, Custom Header, Custom Menu, Editor Style, Featured Images, Left Sidebar, Microformats, One Column, Post Formats, Right Sidebar, Sticky Post, Theme Options, Threaded Comments, Translation Ready, Two Columns.