Spotless and lightweight WordPress subject with various shading palettes and three sections style. Can be utilized as an a few segments topic or consolidate both. Incorporates redid styles for all Alkivia Plugins. Four sidebar places: Wide Top, Wide Bottom, Narrow Left and Narrow Right. With that, you can design your sidebar in any capacity you need. Sidebars can be situated at right (default) or at left. You have the alternative to have a witgetized landing page, and finding the gadgets you need on the first page rather having the customary blog design. Incorporates a configurable drop down menu with essential highlights permitting to incorporate classifications and pages demonstrating its kid content (Only one level). Probability to shroud labels on single posts. Other arrangement alternatives are accessible on the subject settings page. Subject Option upholds Blue, Brown, Custom Header, Fixed Width, Light, Orange, Red, Right Sidebar, Sticky Post, Theme Options, Threaded Comments, Three Columns, Translation Ready.